

Syltefjordelva runs 15km east of Båtsfjord Brygger - only a short half-hour drive away. The riversfishing line is approx. 35 km and originates in the water Ordo (250 m.o.h.)located in the middle of Varangervidda. Therefore, Ordojohka (Sami name) iscalled Ordojohka's, until the confluence with Skogåselva. From the riverside tothe sea, the river is called Vesterelva, but the river is only referred to asSyltefjordelva. Salmon fishing in the river has considerably increased inrecent years, and previous seasons have been exemplary with annual catchstatistics of 5-6 tons - something which is very good for such a small river.The main part of the salmon caught is small and medium sized, with a decent amountof large salmon. Salmon season usually start in mid-June, but the majority ofsalmons can be seen in July. Syltefjordelva offers what can be characterized aswildwater fishing, while at the same time the river is easily accessible by carand countless trails, which is an advantage since the most attractive salmonshells are found in the river's upper two thirds. At the bottom, conditions arecharacterized by coarse rock, sand and gravel that provide many excitingstempoints.

Fishing licenses can be purchased directly from the hosts at BåtsfjordBrygge, where you will also be able to disinfect your private fishingequipment, which is mandatory before you start fishing. Contact us for priceson fishing licenses and information about fishing rules. There is no limit onthe number of fishing cards per day and the fishing license applies to thewhole river with some exceptions in the lower part of the river. There are afew stretches that are not open to general fishing, but these are well marked alongthe trails. We ask all fishermen to respect it and to not fish within selectedareas.


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Syltefjordelva runs 15km east of Båtsfjord Brygger - only a short half-hour drive away. The riversfishing line is approx. 35 km and originates in the water Ordo (250 m.o.h.)located in the middle of Varangervidda. Therefore, Ordojohka (Sami name) iscalled Ordojohka's, until the confluence with Skogåselva. From the riverside tothe sea, the river is called Vesterelva, but the river is only referred to asSyltefjordelva. Salmon fishing in the river has considerably increased inrecent years, and previous seasons have been exemplary with annual catchstatistics of 5-6 tons - something which is very good for such a small river.The main part of the salmon caught is small and medium sized, with a decent amountof large salmon. Salmon season usually start in mid-June, but the majority ofsalmons can be seen in July. Syltefjordelva offers what can be characterized aswildwater fishing, while at the same time the river is easily accessible by carand countless trails, which is an advantage since the most attractive salmonshells are found in the river's upper two thirds. At the bottom, conditions arecharacterized by coarse rock, sand and gravel that provide many excitingstempoints.

Fishing licenses can be purchased directly from the hosts at BåtsfjordBrygge, where you will also be able to disinfect your private fishingequipment, which is mandatory before you start fishing. Contact us for priceson fishing licenses and information about fishing rules. There is no limit onthe number of fishing cards per day and the fishing license applies to thewhole river with some exceptions in the lower part of the river. There are afew stretches that are not open to general fishing, but these are well marked alongthe trails. We ask all fishermen to respect it and to not fish within selectedareas.

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